Tell Us Your Experience At Your Local Child Support Office
June 15, 2017
Tell us Your Experience at Your Local Child Support Office in the Comments Section below
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Well when I miss 2 (monthly)payments of 230 I get a warrant. I got behind like 1300. it was pulled out my taxes but it was said could take 6 to 8 weeks post in my account. I had documents proving that’s where part my taxes went and I wanted warrant off before I could talk Brandenburg was picked up in Jefferson county. Had pay the 1300 to get out. Then I didn’t pay in on account cause they had taxes and my bond which Brandenburg said they had neither. I had documents so I called to take care of it to quit potentially going jail and all my money tied up. They wouldn’t let me make a court date to show judge. Was told I had turn myself in. Here catch family court only Wednesday. So I called courthouse the sheriff etc and was rest assured if I turn myself in be 10am wed morning I’d see the judge. So I bring my documents turn myself in 930ish was treated like a dog/criminal jumpsuited showered in etc in jailhouse. Then the family court time went and past I didn’t get see judge. Pretrial came and told me I had pay 500 for one thing and 500 for another pertaining to the support.was told Jefferson county payment didn’t show to them.I show her my paperwork she says it had nothing do with what she told me but yet the case number matched for one. After she left the gaurds pulled me out to see what happened and didn’t understand themselves sympothized with me and said get a lawyer that’s crazy. So had pay another grand get outta there jail or sit till next Wednesday family court docket. Smfh…so I post again I show to court and was appointed public defender. She walks out without talking to me and says we’re gonna postpone to a later date so you can make some larger payments. I said wait y’all owe a ton money and show here my documents and she and another attorney have not a an explanation for why this happened. We go see judge and she told him that I was good and something crazy happened they didn’t understand but that she is well overpayed. So judge dismisses me but with court cost of 273. Which the shieriff said I don’t get that cause I was already in the good this was there system mistakes. Well I forgot about the damn costs and was picked up 3 months later in diff county and if I didn’t post 303 bail would had sit for a week and half. Smdh that county put me through hell so idky you can’t get yours.