I received a letter stating I owed NO CHILD SUPPORT, they trying to tell me I owe

Q) I received a letter stating I owed NO CHILD SUPPORT and these Dumb CHILD SUPPORT REPRESENTATIVES trying to tell me I owe something LMFAO

A) If you received a letter stating that you owe no child support and you are being contacted by child support representatives who are telling you otherwise, it’s important to take action to clarify the situation.

Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Gather your documentation: Collect all the paperwork related to your child support case, including the letter that states you owe no child support. This will help you to clearly understand your situation and provide evidence to support your case.
  2. Contact the child support agency: Call or email the child support agency that is contacting you and explain the situation. Provide them with a copy of the letter that states you owe no child support, and ask for an explanation of why they believe you owe money.
  3. Request an investigation: If you still believe that you do not owe child support, request an investigation into your case. This will allow the agency to review all the relevant information and make a determination about your case.
  4. Seek legal advice: If you are having difficulty resolving the situation, you may want to consider seeking legal advice. An attorney can help you to understand your rights and represent you in court if necessary.

Remember that it’s important to address the situation promptly and respectfully, even if you believe that the child support representatives are mistaken. By providing documentation and communicating clearly with the agency, you can work towards resolving the issue and ensuring that your rights are protected.

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