Need modification for custodial parent through the courts to obtain child
Q) My son’s father won custodial parenting due to losing a relocation on my behalf. I have since returned to same state and my son is now living with me again but father says he will not change the custodial parent or pay any child support for his son. He has since taken a quit one job taken another job driving over the road and has not helped support his son by any means…has had one overnight visit and one 30 min. visit in the last 4 months of which was upon his dad’s girl friend’s idea and insistence. Has not helped with school supplies, school uniforms, absolutely nothing. Do I need modification for custodial parent through the courts to obtain child support order or modification of? How do I do this I tried to go through legal services but when the x husbands name comes up in the screening, I am told there is a conflict and they can not help me. I am struggling to keep a roof over our heads and utilities I can not afford an attorney and the father refuses to give any assistance and threatens to take child away if I try…father is an alcoholic and my son says he will run away before returning to his father.
A) I’m sorry to hear that you are going through such a difficult situation. If you want to modify the custodial parent or obtain a child support order, you will need to file a motion with the court where the original custody order was issued. The specific process for doing this will vary depending on the state where the order was issued.
You may be able to get assistance with filing the motion from a legal aid organization in your area. If you have been unable to get assistance due to a conflict, you may need to try contacting a different legal aid organization. You can also try contacting your local bar association to see if they have a lawyer referral service that can help you find an attorney who can work with you on a pro bono or reduced fee basis.
It’s important to note that the court will base its decision on what is in the best interest of the child. This means that if you can show that your son would be better off living with you and that the father is not providing support or involved in his life, the court may modify the custody order and order the father to pay child support.