how do you set up child support to be taking out of my paychecks every week?

Q) how do you set up child support to be taking out of my paychecks every week?

A) In most states you can arrange to have child support payments taken out of your paycheck every week. Federal and state law requires, in most circumstances, that a parent’s child support obligation be automatically deducted from his or her paycheck through a garnishment or income withholding order. In some cases, however, there may be a good reason as to why the parent’s child support obligation should not be deducted from his or her paycheck, such as if he or she is self-employed. In this case, he or she can get an order from the court that the payments do not have to be deducted. Nonetheless, in most cases, you can easily have your child support payments automatically deducted from your paycheck. Please contact your local child support agency as in most states they can administratively issue an order to have payments deducted from your paycheck.

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