Does the state supposed to deny u a DNA test to prove a child is yours

Q) Does the state supposed to deny u a DNA test to prove a child is yours or can they ignore your request for DNA after they just ordered you to pay child support? If I never received an order or was sent to the wrong address and someone got it but I’ve never seen it and also there where multiple people tested

A) The rules and regulations regarding DNA testing and child support can vary from state to state. In general, a state may have the authority to order a DNA test to establish paternity and to determine who is responsible for paying child support. If you have never received an order to pay child support and believe that you were sent to the wrong address, you may want to contact the agency responsible for administering your state’s child support program to inquire about the situation.

It’s also possible that multiple individuals may have been tested to establish paternity, in which case, the results of those tests would be used to make a determination. If you believe that you have been wrongly identified as the responsible party for paying child support, you may want to seek legal advice to understand your rights and options.

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